Carmencita Editions aims to materialize the poetry of analog photography into physical books.

Each EDITION is the result of putting a photographer’s body of work through our kaleidoscope, and what you see in print is the results of that dialog; a compendium of ideas that go back and forth trying to find the invisible threads that connect the images and discover new meanings that weren’t visible before.

This is a true passion project born from the team’s interest to dive into the imprint world. Completing the cycle of an analog image and bring it back to paper, being part of something larger that represents the meaning of a photographers voice.

Carmencita started 10 years ago to help photographers shoot film and not die trying. Today, Carmencita Editions is born to help photographers print their work and not die trying.

Same philosophy, different medium.

Submit your project

We are accepting submissions all year for commission-printed projects.

Please include a WeTransfer link with:

  • Project Content

  • Title

  • Meaning

  • Description